
i’m jordyn—

i create images that last

Honest, intimate friendship is the cornerstone of my life, and now my work. I believe dignified interaction holds space for curiosity, openness, and vulnerability. So much of the freedom I experience to be myself comes from the acceptance of good and deep-feeling people around me.

i want to give that to you

Freedom to be yourself. Through laughter, deep breaths, presentness, and connection with the humans alongside you— I make space for the rich truth of who you are and what you feel. With documentary photography, the heart of your images has the long haul in mind.

i am your trusted curator

Together, our process focuses on how you want to remember moments. My role is to archive that for you. We envision life twenty years from now and picture what you aspire to hold close, even when memory fades. Photography is an unmatched vault for the ongoing experience of how we remember— I am honored to be the curator of what you want to preserve.

and as for me..

For now, I’m growing roots in Nashville with my husband Darden and our wild Australian Shepherd. We love to be outside in open landscapes and we never miss a party. Ultimately, in this season and beyond, we desire our journey would be marked by unfiltered hospitality— our home and hearts keep an open-door policy, and you are always welcome.